Edwardsburg Primary School

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Program Info

Young 5's Kindergarten:

Young 5's is a two year kindergarten program designed for children who are not quite ready for traditional kindergarten but are past the preschool stage. This program is typically for children who turn five years old later in the year (often with birthdays close to the kindergarten cutoff date) and would benefit from an extra year of development before entering a full kindergarten curriculum.The developmentally appropriate curriculum incorporates structured play, interactive activities, and movement to foster learning.


Multi-age K-1: 

A multi-age classroom is an educational setting where students from Kindergarten and First Grade are grouped together in a single classroom. This setup allows for greater flexibility in teaching and learning, as well as opportunities for peer mentoring and collaboration among students of different ages. Students in this program are shared between a pair of teachers for two years.


Looping Program K-1:

Looping in education refers to the practice of a teacher remaining with the same group of students for more than one school year, typically progressing with them to the next grade level. This continuity allows teachers to develop deeper relationships with their students, better understand their individual learning styles and needs, and build upon previous knowledge and skills. Looping can foster a stronger sense of community within the classroom and promote smoother transitions between grade levels.


Traditional Kindergarten Program:

Traditional Kindergarten refers to an educational setting where students are grouped together with a single teacher for one year. A traditional class offers a structured and supportive learning environment that helps children develop essential academic and social skills, prepares them for future academic success, and fosters a positive attitude toward learning. This structure can provide a sense of stability and security for children as they transition from preschool or home environments to formal schooling.


Traditional First Grade Program:

Traditional First Grade refers to an educational setting where students are grouped together with a single teacher for one year. A traditional class offers a structured and supportive learning environment that helps children develop essential academic and social skills, prepares them for future academic success, and fosters a positive attitude toward learning. Traditional classrooms provide consistency and continuity in terms of curriculum pacing, instructional methods, and classroom routines, as students progress through the grade level together. This can help students feel more secure and confident in their learning environment.


Virtual Program:

The Virtual Learning option is a great fit for families with a heart to homeschool their children.  Edwardsburg Public Schools offers a fully online curriculum, covering all Michigan state academic standards, with the support of a certified teacher.  Our online learning platform is a self-paced, project based learning curriculum that offers a lot of flexibility for families.  Students are free to work on school work any time of the day, any day of the week, from the comfort of their homes.  Learning Guides at home monitor students' daily activities, while an EPS teacher monitors student performance and progress and grades all assignments.  That teacher is also available to support students in person as needed, and will proctor all standardized testing required by the state of Michigan.  There are requirements for progress and communication within the Virtual Learning Program.  Please contact Tiffany Obren at [email protected] with questions.